Be a friend of Google and let it know how to read your website through your headings. The structure of your headings on your website is so important for accessibility, readability and SEO.
Why should I care about heading tags?
Heading tags help you structure your website in a logical way. Much like the chapters in a book, you’ll need a header for the main title, then subheadings to signal the new sections, or chapters, of your page.
Not only does this make it easier for your reader to understand and skim the page, but it will also make it infinitely easier for Google to analyse and understand your website’s content, then rank it in the search results.
How to use the H1 tag
Your <h1> tag is essentially the title of your page, so make sure you only use it once per page to not confuse Google or your readers and to get your most valuable keywords in there!
How to correctly mark up subheadings
Like chapters of a book, you can then use your <h2> tag to introduce your subheadings. If you have sub-sections within these sections, you can use <h3>, <h4> and so on.
It should look something like this:
<h1>Heading for my page, with my most valuable keywords here</h1>
Introduction for my page
<h2>New subsection of my page</h2>
Some copy for my page
<h3>A point within my subsection</h3>
Some copy to explain this subsection in more detail
How to review your existing website headings
If you want to review the headings that are already on your site, download a free tool like Screaming Frog, which will analyse your site and display helpful results that you can then export and use to improve what you’ve got.
Want more help creating effective content for your website, where the headings are all taken care of for you? Get in touch with me here.